My talks

I am learning the art of conferences talks and I have been fortunate to assume stage at some of my favorite conferences.

VueBLR — Online — Slides

Using dependency injection for building loosely coupled applications. The talk focuses on various inversion of control specifically dependency injection, and how it can be implemented in an application.

  • Dependency Injection
  • Provide/Inject
  • Meetup

VueBLR — Bangalore, India — Slides

A live coding demo to showcase Vue Composition API and maybe address FUD if that’s still relevant.

  • Vue 3.0
  • Composition API
  • Meetup

Vue.js Amsterdam — Amsterdam, Netherlands — Slides

It's a compiler talk. Wait! Let me tell you something before you walk away, the compilation of Vue template may appear some dark-art, but when you look under the hood, it is a series of simple coordinated steps. In this talk, we would dive deep into the simple steps and how they coordinate to build the compilation process. Overview:

  • Steps in Vue compilation - The Vue compiler
    • The template compiler
      • The parser and what goes into writing a parser?
      • The optimizer and what can be optimized?
      • The code generator
    • Augmenting the template compiler
  • Augmenting the Vue compiler - Use cases for compiler augmentation
  • Vue
  • Compiler
  • Parser

ConnectTECH — Atlanta, United States — Slides

A short talk on showcasing — how can you build slides for your talk in a developer friendly way.

  • Vue
  • VS Code
  • Webpack
  • Vue CLI
  • WebRTC

VueBLR — Bangalore, India —

Vue 3.0 source workthrough to kick start a hacktoberfest style collaborative contribution event.

  • Vue 3.0
  • Meetup

JSFoo 2019 — Bangalore, India —

At Myntra, we have hundreds of micro applications built over a few years by a continuously changing team. Different people brought different ideas, and these applications became an amalgam of different design processes, themes, libraries, and tools with lack of any governing principles. These differences and no governance led to multiple forks in design and experience. Now, we have a solution which unifies the forks, makes it easier to deliver consistent user experience and much more.

In this talk, I share the problems we faced:

  • In maintaining a component library.
  • In supporting hundreds of applications.
  • In communicating design decisions.

And how we ended up building tools for fixing broken developer experience, which in turn addressed the issues of user experience inconsistencies.

In short, this is a story of re-making of a design system until it made sense to everyone.

  • React
  • Design System
  • JSFoo

JSFoo: VueDay — Bangalore, India — Slides

A peek into what's coming next with focus on backward compatibility, performance enhancements, reactivity caveats and "How to get involved with Vue 3?".

  • Vue 3.0
  • JSFoo: VueDay

VueConf US — Atlanta, United States — Slides

Vue single file components empowers developers with the ability to write declarative render functions using plain HTML-like syntax. The so-called SFCs also provide features like collocation and scoped styles. We tend to use these SFCs effortlessly as any other JavaScript file but to reach that level of ease, Vue does the heavy lifting of transpilation. This talk takes a deep dive in the compilation process of Vue components and explains how to write a custom block processor. It also discovers some less known facts about SFCs.

  • Vue
  • Vue Template Compiler
  • VueConf

ConnectTECH — Atlanta, United States — Slides

Vue single file components empowers developers with the ability to write declarative render functions using plain HTML-like syntax. The so-called SFCs also provide features like collocation and scoped styles. We tend to use these SFCs effortlessly as any other JavaScript file but to reach that level of ease, Vue does the heavy lifting of transpilation. This talk takes a deep dive in the compilation process of Vue components and explains how to write a custom block processor. It also discovers some less known facts about SFCs.

  • Vue
  • Vue Template Compiler
  • ConnectTECH

VueFes — Tokyo, Japan — Slides

Vue single file components empowers developers with the ability to write declarative render functions using plain HTML-like syntax. The so-called SFCs also provide features like collocation and scoped styles. We tend to use these SFCs effortlessly as any other JavaScript file but to reach that level of ease, Vue does the heavy lifting of transpilation. This talk takes a deep dive in the compilation process of Vue components and explains how to write a custom block processor. It also discovers some less known facts about SFCs.

  • Vue
  • Vue Template Compiler
  • VueFes

ReactFoo — Heyderabad, India — Slides

A head-on comparison of the two trending UI libraries to discuss their similarities, differences and design decisions undertaken.

  • Vue
  • Migrating to Vue
  • React

JSFoo — Bangalore, India — Slides

Three speakers, three frameworks. Rahul Kadyan on why you should use Vue.js. Sapna Upreti on the features and strengths of Meteor. Vinci Rufus on why Angular is the right choice.

  • Vue
  • Framework Comparision
  • Meteor
  • Angular